Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yangshuo - the hottest afternoon yet!

So without a doubt this was our hottest day - we got off the boat, chilled down in our hotel (which happened to be the New West Street International Hotel - I found the name which is very similar to the original hotel, so I really don't know it it was an upgraded hotel or not - but it was not on the original Western Street - so who knows!). It was by now around 4:30 - 4:45. We were taken back to Western Street - which is where all the shopping is and we had an hour before we would have dinner. The first photos are street shots - and it was amazingly hot walking around! Note in the 4th picture who the new assistant manager of the hotel was (!) Also the big Buddha in the lobby of the hotel. After an hour of drenching shopping, we had dinner at a nice restaurant and enjoyed cooling off for a bit because the restaurant was half air conditioned - meaning it was about down to the low 80's in there. the toilets were about a 2.5 (!) all stand up. Hannah refuses to squat so she has learned to moderate her liquids and can now go a very long time (!). I've tried to explain that it is actually in some ways cleaner (no seats) and that with a dress it is actually easier - but she is not buying it at all! After dinner, we were off to one of the most amazing shows we will ever have seen...stay tuned!

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